While my new portfolio site www.rsnk.co.uk is currently being constructed, i am temporarily reviving this page to keep some of my work up for display.
When i was still completing my studies i had no time to build a portfolio site from the ground up. I set up a Wordpress site instead, which would be easy to set up and more importantly, more easy to manage. However, i discovered i spent more time managing the site (i.e getting rid of clutter) than anything else.
After a rethink i decided that it would be good for keeping my design skills up to scratch and start with a new project.
First i came up with a concept which would represent my anno 2011. I wanted something that would represent my somewhat rebellious nature, my desire to going against the grain and try and strive for the uncommon and unusual on the one hand, and whimsical, fun and playful on the other. At the same time it had to give out a strong, bold message.
This gave me the idea of combining the bold strong visuals of the classic propaganda poster with playful Lego characters.
I then, prior to starting the main project, did a fairly quick holding page, which would allow me some time to finish the main website. The holding site was done in Dreamweaver and is fully W3C XHTML and CSS validated. All visuals were created in Photoshop CS5 and Illustrator CS5 and were aimed at creating a cinematic poster effect to show off my Photoshop an Illustrator skills. The purpose was to provide a teaser for the actual website.
Currently i am working on the main project basically following the same process as the one i used for the holding site. I usually work strictly within the confines of a concept, having all the visuals ready before i start building the site in HTML, this personal project is constantly being tweaked and changed. here's a preview of what the project looks like at the moment:
Being the prolific obsessive designer, i also created an alternative RSNK website. Besides the differnt visual style, this website is also a multi-page website, whilst the 'Lego' site has a single page micro-site layout.
more to follow soon, keep you eyes peeled
Over and out
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